Production Name: Lord Demon Studios
Movie Title: Devil Like Me
Tagline: The Devil's in the Details
Genre: Slasher/Psychological
Intended Audience: Teenagers/ Young Adults 16-24 Male & Female

A man is scared from a horrible acid attack meant for a girl who slept with her friends boyfriend. The unnamed man is out for revenge. He is calling himself the Devil because his deeply christian parents say his scars are a mark from hell. He goes crazy and begins to think he is the Devil incarnate. He goes on a hunt for the girl that was supposed to be attacked, thinking she still deserves to be punished.

The antagonist is a deeply religious man in his early twenties. He still lives with his parents and is also a virgin. He has no clue how sexual intimacy works or the mechanics of sex. He uses a 3inch knife to penetrate Lucy's body. When he firsts stabs Lucy he is confused at the emotions and physical pain Lucy feels.

Lucy is a promiscuous girl. At one of her friends party, she had sex with her best friends boyfriend. Her friend finds out and plots her revenge. She decides to pour acid on her face. This isn't the first time Lucy has done this. She has a reputation for being very easy among the boys. The place where the attack takes place is near the church where the unnamed man goes. When he is walking home after Bible study he gets mistaken for Lucy and the acid is poured on him.

Movies based on:
Nightmare on Elm Street, Cabin in the Woods, Scream


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