Should there be a set moral standard that does not change across time?

Regulation of media has more benefits than negative effects. Protecting young vulnerable children from the effects of the constant stream of media we take in daily should be an undertaking we are glad to take. It can be argued that moral standards in media have fallen leading to more an more displays of sexual and graphic content and foul language. Morally, the more television and films we watch the more our morals are forgotten or changed. Subsequently it could be argued that the moral standard has declined due to the desensitisation of the people that watch it. After years of being put in front of televisions and being exposed to media it’s no wonder we as a nation have developed a tolerance to be explicit things we see in the media. Therefore, film makers and producers have had to step up their game when in comes to frightening or interesting enticing the everyday viewer. If we were to create a set of foxes morals that did not change over time, they would quickly become out of date and leave viewers with no means of cathartic release. In my opinion, morals need to develop simultaneously with media. This means that, as the audience develop a tolerance to the products, the cathartic needs of the viewers can still be met.


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