Peer Assessment Question 1b
Peer Assessment Question 1b Portfolio Question/Theory: Narrative Theorists Student name: Daniel Abeshin MEG: C Working at Grade: C List theorists & theories referenced: 1. Todorov’s Theory - 2. Propps Theory - 3. Claude Levi-Strauss - 4. Roland Barthes - 5. Pam Cook - List terminology words: Equilibrium Disequilibrium Binary Opposites Enigma Semiotics Symbolic Resolution Good Vs Evil Boy & Girl Level Description Ref no Grade Agree? Level 1: Outlines or describes 1 theorist with little reference to own production, and is under 250 words (1 side handwritten A4) U Yes Level 2 lower: Introduces and describes 2-3 relevant theories using some correct terminology/theorists E Ye...